Brief Description
One of the most common traits in winning and successful organizations and teams is that all of them have a set of values that are shared and owned by its members; and these values are clearly manifested in their behaviours, actions, decision, relationship between colleagues, policies, etc. Having such an organization where its members subscribe to and live completely and consistently by its values is a dream by many but in reality, these remains as one of the biggest challenges in all organizations. . The challenge really, is to formulate strategies and plans to have this rolled-out in a way that these values will be understood, embraced and are “lived” by its employees in all their actions, decisions and behavior on a consistent and sustainable basis.
Participants will:
• Understand the interdependence between values and success in successful organizations
• Learn the method and structure to translate qualitative goals into clear and measurable results
• Learn to develop goals and actions that will enable the values to be manifested by team members in their day-to-day activities and interactions
• Learn to internalize and personalize the values to increase “ownership”
For Who
• Leadership/ management team
• All employees
Methodology/ Duration
This workshop will be conducted off-site using a combination of indoor and outdoor lecture, discussions, break-out groups, assignments and simulation activities/ games. Typical duration is 3 days 2 nights.
Key Contents
• Understanding values, its purpose and influence on organization’s success
• Developing goals and planning effective actions to “live” the values in day-to-day actions, behaviour, thinking and interactions
• Dynamics of a winning team and values and norms required for a Winning Team. (Concepts of trust, respect, support and commitment in achieving team objectives)